Currency Rates

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14 January 2011

Murrey Math Price Lines

Click to enlarge image.

Use it as an indicator on price chart in Amibroker. The line will show reversal points on the chart.
_SECTION_BEGIN("Murrey Math Price Lines");
//       $Archive: /AFL.root/AFL/YofaTrader/Custom/Murrey Math Price $          
//          $Date: 08.03.29 22:57 $        
//       $Modtime: 08.03.29 22:52 $      
//      $Revision: 15 $     
//      $Workfile: Murrey Math Price $       

ParamShowLevel=ParamList("Show harmonic levels", "1/8|1/4|1/2", 1 );
ParamShowLabel=ParamStyle("Show harmonic labels", styleNoLabel, styleNoLabel);

if(Status("action") ==1)  //indicator
    LastVisibleIndex = LastValue(Status("lastvisiblebarindex"));
    if (LastVisibleIndex > BarCount -1) //to avoid errors is case of cursor is behind the last bar
        LastVisibleIndex = BarCount-1;
    TotalVisibleBars = LastVisibleIndex -
LastValue(Status("firstvisiblebarindex")) + 1;
    LastVisibleIndex = BarCount -1;
    TotalVisibleBars = BarCount;

HHScreen = HHV(High, TotalVisibleBars);
LLScreen = LLV(Low,  TotalVisibleBars);
PRScreen = HHScreen[LastVisibleIndex] - LLScreen[LastVisibleIndex]; //Price range

PriceRangeVisible = PRScreen * 1.1;
MiddleVisible = (HHScreen[LastVisibleIndex] + LLScreen[LastVisibleIndex]) /2;
HighestVisible= MiddleVisible + PriceRangeVisible / 2;
LowestVisible = MiddleVisible - PriceRangeVisible / 2;

SquareBase = 0.1953125;

if (HighestVisible > 0.390625)
    { SquareBase = 1.5625; }

if (HighestVisible > 1.5625)
    { SquareBase = 3.125; }
if (HighestVisible > 3.125)
    { SquareBase = 6.25; }
if (HighestVisible > 6.25)
    { SquareBase = 12.5; }
if (HighestVisible > 25)
    { SquareBase = 100; }
if (HighestVisible > 250)
    { SquareBase = 1000; }
if (HighestVisible > 2500)
    { SquareBase = 10000; }
if (HighestVisible > 25000)
    { SquareBase = 100000; }

ShowLevel = 1;

PriceStep = SquareBase / 8;
while ( PriceRangeVisible / 4 <= PriceStep AND ShowLevel < 4)
    PriceStep = PriceStep / 8;

//Lowest,highest harmonic value to show on the panel
LowerValue  = floor(LowestVisible  / PriceStep) * PriceStep;
HigherValue = ceil(HighestVisible / PriceStep) * PriceStep;

Octave1PriceStep = SquareBase / 8;
Octave2PriceStep = SquareBase / 64 ;
Octave3PriceStep = SquareBase / 512;

Harmonic = LowerValue;

//iterate from low to high values
while( Harmonic <= HigherValue )
    style = styleDashed; // 1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8 lines of any level
    color = colorGreen;  //1/8, 7/8
    if ((Harmonic / PriceStep) % 8 == 1 OR (Harmonic / PriceStep) % 8 == 7)
        color = colorYellow; // 3/8, 5/8
    if (ParamShowLevel != "1/8")
        style = styleNoLine;
    if ((Harmonic / PriceStep) % 2 == 0) // 1/4, 3/4 lines of any level
        style = styleDashed;
        color = colorPink;
        if (ParamShowLevel == "1/2")
            style = styleNoLine;
    if ((Harmonic / PriceStep) % 4 == 0) // 1/2 line of any level
        style = styleDashed;
        color = colorBlue;
    if ((Harmonic / PriceStep) % 8 == 0) // 1/1 line of Baby level
        color = colorBlue;
        style = styleLine;
        if ((Harmonic / Octave3PriceStep) % 64 == 0) // 1/1 line of Minor level

             style = styleThick; // 1/1 /Level Minor
    if (style != styleNoLine)  //if there is a line to plot... (avoid printing unused labels)
        style = style + ParamShowLabel;
        Plot( Harmonic, "", color, style);
    Harmonic = Harmonic + PriceStep;